"For there is born to you this day..."
The birth of Jesus, known as The Nativity, is described in the gospels of Luke and Matthew in the Bible.
Jesus' parents, Mary and Joseph, traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem. There was no room for them in the local inn. So, Jesus was born in a stable. Mary placed him in a manger, a feeding trough for animals. Baby Jesus was visited by shepherds and wisemen. His birth was announced by a bright star.
Click the image or link below to download the Nativity Word Finder puzzle. Then print it!
The Nativity, or birth of Christ, is a wonderful story. Find the Nativity related words below in your puzzle to find out more about this story!
Find all the words about the Nativity in your puzzle. The words are listed above and on the game sheet. Cross the letters off on your game sheet as you find the words. Write all the left-over letters in the blank spaces at the bottom of the puzzle. The letters will reveal Santa's Secret Nativity Message!
Here are all the other Word Search games on emailSanta.com. Some of these Word Find games are on-line, some Word Seeks are downloadable. Some FindaWord puzzles are easy, some WonderWords are hard. But all of these games (no matter what you call them!) are full of Christmas fun.