(Saint) Nick names for
Santa Claus
Around the World!
Santa is known by many names:
Ash Man! Shaggy Goat! Rauklas!
Sing Dan Lo Ian!
Pelznickel! Kerstman!
(And those are just some of his nicknames)
How many ways can you say Santa Claus' name? There's a whole list of his nicknames below.
Santa has so many names, the elves made games out of them!
Click on a "Santa's Name" Word Hunt game below.
Then print it! Cross out the letters in your Word Finder puzzle when you find the words.
After you find all the letters, try to solve Santa's secret message.
What is Santa Called word hunt game
Click an image or link below to download a special "Santa's name in many languages" Word Finder, print it and play it!
Word List for Santa's Names Around the World
Santa Claus is known by many different names in many different languages around the World! Here's a list of all of Santa's names used in the elves' Word Search games! (How many of Santa's names can YOU say? It's fun to try saying them!)
- Aghios Vassilis (Greece)
- Ash Man (Germany)
- Babbo Natale (Italy)
- Baboushka (Russia)
- Befana (Italy)
- Bellsnickle (Old American)
- Bozic Bata (Serbo-Croatian)
- Bozicek (Slovenia)
- Christkind (Austria)
- Christkindle (Germany)
- Deda Mraz (Yugoslavia)
- Diado Coleda (Bulgaria)
- Dun Che Lao Ren (China)
- Dyed Moroz (Russia)
- el Nino Jesus (Central America)
- Father Christmas (England/N.Z.)
- Feliz Navidad (Uruguay)
- Gaghant Baba (Armenia)
- Ganesha (India)
- Grandfather Frost (Russia)
- Gwiazdor (Poland)
- Hagios Nikolaos (Greece)
- Hoteisho (Japan)
- Ilwyd (Wales)
- Jizo (Japan)
- Jolasveinn (Iceland)
- Joulupukki (Finland)
- Julemanden (Denmark)
- Julenissen (Norway)
- Julgubben (Finland)
- Jultomten (Sweden)
- Kaledu Senis (Lithuania)
- Kanakaloka (Hawaii)
- Karacsony Apo (Hungary)
- Kerstman (Belgium)
- Kolyada (Russia)
- Korvatunturl (Lapland)
- Kris Kringle (Aus./Can./U.S.)
- Los Reys Magos (Spain)
- Menino Jesus (Central America)
- Mikulas (Hungary)
- Pa Norsk (Norway)
- Pai Natal (Portugal)
- Papa Noel (Spain)
- Papai Noel (Brazil)
- Pelznickel (Germany)
- Pere Noel (France/Canada)
- Rauklas (Germany)
- Saint Nicholas (Aus./Can./U.S.)
- Saint Nick (Aus./Can./U.S.)
- Samichlaus (Switzerland)
- Santa Claus (Aus./Can./U.S.)
- Santa Kurohsu (Japan)
- Santy (Ireland)
- Shaggy Goat (eastern Germany)
- Shakhta Babah (Azerbaijan)
- Sing Dan Lo Ian (Hong Kong)
- Sint Nikolass (Netherlands)
- Sinterklas (Indonesia)
- Sinterklass (Colonial Dutch)
- Sunnercla (Germany)
- Svaty Miklas (Czechoslovakia)
- Sveti Nickola (Serbo-Croatian)
- Swiety Mikolaj (Poland)
- Vovo Indo (Brazil)
- Weihnachtsmann (Germany)
Word Finder Secret Message clues for you!
The "many nicknames of Santa" are listed above and on the downloadable games. Find all of Santa's names and cross off the letters in your puzzle. After you find all of Santa's nicknames, some letters will be left. Write the letters in the blank spaces at the bottom of the game. Then you will know the Secret Message hidden in Santa's names!
More Fun Word Find games for you!
Here are all the other Word Search games on emailSanta.com. Some of these Word Find games are on-line, some Word Seeks are downloadable. Some FindaWord puzzles are easy, some WonderWords are hard. But all of these games (no matter what you call them!) are full of Christmas fun.
Santa's Online Word Find Games & Puzzles
Santa's Easier Printable Word Find Games & Puzzles
More Difficult Printable Word Find Games & Puzzles
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