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Christmas TV shows, Movies, Songs & Stories
Trivia Questions!

So you think you know all about
Christmas TV specials, Holiday movies, Christmas songs
& carols and stories?
Then it's time to play Christmas trivia!

Remember those great Christmas songs, stories, TV shows and movies?  Charlie Brown Christmas? The Grinch? Miracle on 34th Street? A Christmas Carol? Take the Christmas Trivia quiz and see how well you do!
Instructions:  Read the questions, click on the answers and then on "Display Score" to see how you did.  click Show Answers to see the correct answer and comments.  Then click on New Questions! to start a new Quiz with new questions!

1.  In the movie "The Santa Clause" with Tim Allen, what's the name of the company that made the ladder that they use to first go up on the roof?

2.  In the Bob & Doug MacKenzie version of the song "12 Days of Christmas", what day do they get a dozen donuts on?

3.  From the movie "Elf", all of these but one are on "The Code of Elves". Which one isn't?

4.  What was the rabbit's name in the TV show "Frosty the Snowman"?

5.  Who's the voice of Santa in the TV classic "A Year Without Santa Claus"?

~ Click on "New Questions" for new Christmas trivia questions or try these other Trivia Quizzes ~

Kidlets Trivia (easy) 

Christmas & Santa Claus Trivia (hard)

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