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Get a letter from Santa Claus? HO!! Ho!! ho!!

Yes kids its true!
Just finish this letter,
Santa's waiting for you!
From the North Pole,
Santa will send your reply... faster than
Rudolph the reindeer can fly!!

email Santa to send your letter to Santa Write your letter to Santa Claus any day of the year! Get a reply letter from Santa instantly - no email, home address, phone number or last name needed. When you write Santa, he can reply on your screen by letter or video. Just scroll down to start.

Santa's Safety Tip:
Never tell ANYONE your full name, phone number, email or street address until you check with an adult!

Start your letter by choosing a stamp, then scroll down to write Santa Claus!

Dear Santa Claus,


P.S. Santa Claus, I almost forgot to add these comments! (Tell Santa things like:  Why you think it would be fun to be a reindeer;
How you think Santa and the elves always know if you are being naughty or nice; and anything else you want to say!)

Santa Claus likes to spread the Christmas spirit by sharing some of the wonderful comments Mr. & Mrs. Claus receive with others. You can read some of Santa Claus' fav letters here, for example. Is it okay if Santa Claus shares your comments?

Now just click a button below to send your letter!  Choose between seeing Santa live at the North Pole (but it takes a bit longer) or a regular reply by letter (fast as reindeer fly!).

The Original way to email Santa since 1997!

Or clear this letter and write it over again

Santa Claus will reply to you personally!!  Just wait in front of your computer for a few seconds and your reply will magically appear (of course, it might take a bit longer if Santa Claus is really busy or taking a "cookie break"!!).  

Note: If you have problems sending your letter, please go to the .  The elves promise to do everything they can to help you get your letter to Santa Claus!  Merry Christmas!

Letter to Santa Questions Answeredby a Grumpy Elf

A Grumpy Elf answers your questions about writing a letter to Santa Claus in 2025!

How do you get a letter from Santa?

Santa stampWell, I'm just a grumpy elf but even I know how to do that!  Just go to this page and send your Christmas wishes to Santa Claus!  No email or home address, phone number or last name required!  Then hit the send button to get a safe, free reply fast as reindeer fly!  You can choose between a regular instant reply on your screen or one that connects you to Santa's North Pole webcam for a free video reply.  (Just don't tell him a grumpy elf sent you!)

Can I email Santa Claus and get a reply? Can I write Santa?

elf checking the list when you write Santa a letterWhat?  You think you'll email Santa Claus and he'll send you cookies?  Of course, you'll get a reply -- fast as red-nosed reindeer fly!  It's as easy as going to and writing your letter!  Hey, if a grumpy elf like me can do it, you can too!  (And he does give me cookies when I email him, so, HA!)

Can I write a letter to Santa Claus? Can I get a letter from Santa back?

What? Did you think you could write a letter to Santa Claus and get TWO back?  That's just silly!  You almost made this grumpy elf laugh with that one!  Of course, you can write Santa as many times as you want at and he'll reply to each and every one.  BUT, I'm pretty sure he'll just send one letter back each time!

Can I get a letter from Santa Claus?

Why?  What letter would you like?  I know when you write Santa he likes the letters C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S!  Oh, for a grumpy old elf, I sure am funny!  (Well, at least *I* think I am, so there!)  I know he uses those letters quite a bit when he replies back to emails at  So, if you want a letter from Santa you could always send him one there.  Just make sure you tell him which letter you'd like back (I'd at least ask for a letter that's made of chocolate if I was you!)

What is Santa's address 2025?

write Santa a letter to put into Santa's mailboxNow THAT is funny!  Santa doesn't wear a dress!  He's too busy replying to children's Christmas wishes to wear a dress!  There are many different ways Santa gets those Christmas letters but I think the easiest way is to just email Santa.  Then he won't be embarrassed in case the postman comes and he IS wearing address!  And Santa's reply won't get lost in the mail either!

Where can I send a letter to Santa and get a response?

Well that's an easy question for even a grumpy elf like me to answer! I know you can send a letter to Santa and get a response right here on this page!  I also know he replies fast as reindeer fly! (And that's in the blink of an eye -- even when they're not high in the sky! Oh my!)

How do I write a letter to Santa?

How do I write a letter to Santa? Wow! Somebody asked ME! It seems nobody ever asks this grumpy elf how I write a letter to Santa! Of course, I don't usually write a letter to Santa. I just go into the Workshop and talk to him. Now, if I was writing a letter to Santa, I'd start by going to this page (the one we're on right now). Then I'd put my first name down and remind Santa just how good I've been (when I wasn't being grumpy of course!). Then I'd let Santa know what I'd like for Christmas (maybe a nice haggis fruitcake?). Finally, I'd click the send button and wait a few seconds. Santa does reply fast as reindeer fly after all! And that is how I would write a letter to Santa Claus (but I think I'll just stick to talking to him).

Can I email Santa? Can you email Father Christmas?

Can you email Santa Claus? Yes, I'm quite sure you can email Father Christmas. After all, that is what this website is called and what it does:! You can also email Père Noël and Papá Noel here. Just go to this page (its the one you're on right now) and my big jolly boss in the red suit will send you a very nice reply fast as reindeer fly!

Tweet About A Letter From Santa

Get on Santa's Nice List and share how to get a letter from Santa with family and friends.  Just tap the Twitter icon below for a special message to tweet.

Tweet About Santa Letters!

Then see more fun things to Tweet from!

After that, check out what everyone at the North Pole is tweeting & texting to each other.  (Those elves are so silly!)

And don't forget to follow Santa on Twitter and Instagram for more festive fun!

Don't Miss The Christmas Fun! Get Your Reminder!

Every Christmas Eve the elves at track Santa on his fun and famous flight (they call it the Santa Snooper). Actually, you can see what Santa is doing and where he is every day of the year on his Santa webcam and tracker.

So get your merry reminder right away! The elves will send you a safe, funny email closer to Christmas or on Christmas Eve. You choose!